ChalleNGe Phases

The Grizzly Academy program requires a 17 1⁄2 month commitment overall. This is divided into three phases: 22 weeks, or 5 1/2 months, for the Acclimation and Residential Phases (combined), followed by a 12-month Post-Residential period.
The first two weeks of the residential phase provide an entry level adjustment period to determine a candidate’s willingness and ability to succeed in the 20-week residential education program.
Candidates are introduced to a military structure and receive training to be successful in the remainder of the program through Team Building and adventure based activities, Conflict Resolution, Anger Management, Customs and Courtesies, Hygiene, a Healthy Lifestyle, Close Order Drill and Physical Fitness. Each candidate’s performance is evaluated twice daily by the Cadre for their potential to successfully complete the full 17 1⁄2 month program.
Upon completion of this phase, successful candidates become cadets.
Upon successful completion of the Acclimation Phase, candidates are issued their uniforms and sworn in as cadets during a small acclimation graduation ceremony. Cadets then begin receiving instruction in the 8 Core Components. They also begin Academic classes to recover/earn credits or earn their High School Diploma.
During the Residential Phase, cadets experience a structured and disciplined schedule that focuses on developing their social, emotional, academic, and basic life skills. There are several opportunities for cadets to build their confidence, leadership skills, career interests, and develop positive habits.
With the help of parents, mentors, and staff members, cadets also develop their Post-Residential My Action Plan, or MAP. The MAP is a goal driven document that identifies what the cadet will pursue during their 12-month Post-Residential Phase and beyond.
Graduates work with their mentors and Case Managers to maintain placement in continuing education (return to High School, vocational school, or College), enlistment in the military, or employment. They must meet with their mentors weekly; two of the meetings must be face to face. Both the mentor and the graduate must report monthly to their Case Manager.
Case Managers are also available for career and placement counseling. See: Case Manager Contacts